Welcome! My name is Verity and I am the writer, editor and all round creator of this blog.

So before we continue, lets get some basic information out of the way.

This blog will primarily centre around typography in our community and the many different forms that it comes in. Typography is in most, if not all areas of our lives, so going with the theme of food that is in the title of this blog, I will provide you with a taster for each palette.

I am very much new to the ‘blogging world’ and so with each published word, picture or post, I am embarking on new and unfamiliar territory. So I do ask of your patients and understanding.

In addition to this, I am a 2nd year student studying Publishing, Media and Journalism at Oxford Brookes, something for which I am enjoying immensely. However, like my blogging ability it is a working progress and thusly I am always learning on the job.

But one thing is for sure, with each week will come a new blog.

So without further adieu, lets get started!